Homeless Prevention
Restore Hope’s “Homeless Prevention Initiative” provides rent assistance for individuals and families who have a recent, sudden loss of income. In FY 2015-16, the initiative prevented 612 individuals from being added to Tulsa’s ever growing homeless population, with total assistance of $141,515, . Restore Hope’s program is one of the most successful in the country at preventing homelessness, with a 100% success rate compared to a national average of 70% success.
Hunger Reduction
Every day, one in five children in Tulsa County is undernourished. Hunger impacts every aspect of a person – body, mind, and soul. Restore Hope is committed to reducing hunger in our community. During FY 2015-16 Restore Hope distributed 221,943 pounds of food to 4005 families. To find out more about our food program, click here.
Hope Promotion
Crises, economic or otherwise, impact more than one’s physical well-being. Restore Hope addresses emotional and spiritual needs through daily Chapel Services, volunteer prayer counselors, and chaplain support. In FY 2015-16, 1196 people visited our (optional) Chapel services. Restore Hope staff and volunteers referred 78 people to local churches and distributed 504 Bibles to clients in need.

Seasonal Events
Many families can provide basic needs through most of the year, but special events add special expenses.
- Last year Restore Hope provided school supplies to 2,790 students.
- We gave great Thanksgiving groceries for 607 families.
- We provided 221 HouseKeeping Kits with basic cleaning supplies.
- In addition, Restore Hope helped 178 children have a Merry
- Christmas through our Family Sponsorship program.
Our programs are possible only through the support of donors and volunteers who give time, talent, and resources to help families in need. In FY 2015-16, 1061 volunteers gave more than 6,295 hours of labor. In addition, donors gave food, school supplies, and much-needed financial resources to support our programs and mission.