Invites YOU to take the
SNAP Challenge
What is the SNAP Challenge?
The SNAP Challenge offers people of all backgrounds a chance to see first hand what life is like for millions of Americans facing hunger. By accepting the SNAP Challenge, you’ll commit to eating all of your meals from a limited food budget, just like the average SNAP recipient:
$1.50 per person per meal.
What is SNAP?
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (or SNAP, formerly called “food stamps”) provides monthly benefits to supplement the food budgets of families in need, but in many cases these households still struggle to put food on the table (and they come to places like Restore Hope for help filling that gap). By participating in the SNAP Challenge, we hope you will experience just a bit of what these families experience and raise awareness about the issue of hunger in America.
How do I take the Challenge?
You can either donate $100 to Restore Hope or to the food pantry of your choice, or accept the challenge:
1. Let Restore Hope know that you accept the challenge so we can help along the way. RegisterHERE or email us at rhm [at] restorehope [dot] org
2. Choose the duration of your SNAP Challenge. We encourage everyone to take the Challenge the week of September 19th-23rd, so we can combine our voices on social media for maximum awareness. However any day or week (or longer!) is great for the SNAP Challenge.
3. Invite others to join you, including your co-workers, family, church members, and elected officials.
4. Your food budget for the week or day of your Challenge will be based on the average SNAP benefit, which is $4.50 per person per day– for ALL your food and beverages. You can use coupons while taking the Challenge but should not shop at membership clubs.
5. During the Challenge, only eat food purchased for the Challenge. Do not eat food that you purchased earlier (except for spices & condiments). Avoid accepting free food from friends, family, or while at work. Also, remember, SNAP does not allow purchase of alcohol, tobacco, or hot prepared food.
6. Keep track of receipts on food spending and take note of your experiences throughout the week, in particular the choices you made between the variety and quality of food you ate (fresh vs. canned, healthy vs. cheap).
7. Share your SNAP Challenge through social media (#SNAPchallenge) and writing about your experience on blogs or church newsletter. Make sure to tag Restore Hope in your post too! (@RHMTulsa on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook).
8. In the end, donate the difference between what you would have spent on food for that week but didn’t. You can donate to Restore Hope or the food pantry of your choice! Donating the difference helps us turn increased awareness into action.
Who Else Has Taken the SNAP Challenge?
Rev. Jeff Jaynes, Executive Director, Restore Hope Ministries, Tulsa, OK
Adriane Jaynes, Co-Coordinator, Tulsa Clean Cities, Tulsa, OK
Karlee Martinez, FleetFeet Wichita, Wichita, KS
Rev. Aaron Tiger, Associate Pastor, First UMC, Tulsa, OK
Rev. Andy Henson, Campus Pastor and Pastor of Missional Living, Disciple UMC, Catoosa, OK
Rev. Sara Pugh Montgomery, Associate Pastor, Boston Avenue UMC, Tulsa, OK
Larry Montgomery, Administrator, Restore HOME Health Care of OK, Tulsaa, OK
Rev. Becky Pierson, Pastor, Aldersgate United Methodist Church, Tulsa, OK
Rev. Kristen Brown, Missionary Pastor serving in Bethlehem
Rev. Shelly Daigle, Family Specialist, Circle of Care, Tulsa, OK
Adam Daigle, Assistant Editor, Tulsa World, Tulsa, OK
Rev. Jack Terrell-Wilkes, Pastor, Wynnewood and Stratford UMCs, Wynnewood, OK
Kristen Terrell-Wilkes, Communications Coordinator, Volunteers in Mission, Oklahoma City, OK
John Cunningham, CPA, Cunningham CPA, Tulsa, OK
Rev. April Coates, Pastor, Albright UMC, Ponca City, OK
If you would like to join these amazing people on the #SNAPChallenge, click HERE.